Lily - nourishes yin and moisturizes the lungs, clears the heart and calms the mind

Lily is also called chongmai, lily garlic and garlic potato, especially the bulbs of musk lily. Lily grows in the soil and is connected with roots. Fresh lilies are milky white, round and plump, especially when they are freshly dug out and have roots attached to them, they look like garlic. However, the structure of a lily is a sphere wrapped together, similar to a bud in bud. Peeling off the "petals" of lilies piece by piece and drying them is our most common dried lily.

Lily has a faint sweet taste, a powdery texture, and has certain medicinal value. It contains starch, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, pantothenic acid, carotene and other nutrients, and contains some special nutrients. Fresh lilies have a refreshing taste and are suitable for stir-frying and making soups. In comparison, dried lily is more common and easier to preserve. It has a soft taste and is suitable for soup, porridge and sugar water.

Main functions:

1. Moisturizing and clearing heat: relieving cough, stopping bleeding, appetizing, calming the nerves, suitable for emphysema, tuberculosis, cough and other diseases.

2. Calming the mind and calming the nerves: It clears away irritability, has a certain effect on insomnia, dreaminess and depression, and has a beautifying effect.

3. Improve immunity: Promote the phagocytosis function of the cell system and improve the body's immunity.

4. Nourishing and replenishing qi: It is of great benefit to people who are weak after illness, neurasthenia, and people with bad bronchial tubes. Lily can help improve their condition.