Two or three things about lotus seeds

Lotus seeds are a food with the same origin as medicine and food. They are sweet and mild in nature and taste. They enter the three internal organs of the heart, spleen and kidneys. Their main properties are to nourish qi and yin. Lotus seeds enter the heart to replenish qi and calm the mind; enter the spleen to stop diarrhea; enter the kidneys to replenish kidney qi and reduce defecation. It is helpful for symptoms such as frequent urination and spermatorrhea caused by weak kidney qi. Lotus seed tonic is not easy to cause internal heat and is suitable for long-term use.

Different effects of red lotus seeds and white lotus seeds:
White lotus seeds are the most common natural variety. The grains are large and round, with the fragrance of lotus. Red lotus seeds have a thin red skin outside the pulp, similar to the coating of peanuts. It is an artificial hybrid variety with low yield and high price.
White lotus seeds nourish yin and replenish deficiency, moisten the lungs and relieve coughs, and are more likely to replenish qi and balance the body's internal balance.
Red lotus seeds can replenish blood, nourish the heart and calm the mind, and have a maintenance effect on women with poor complexion or pale complexion.

Main functions of Lotus Heart:
The lotus heart is a green embryo in the lotus seed flesh. Lotus heart itself has medicinal value. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Bitter, cold, non-toxic." Traditional Chinese medicine believes that lotus heart has a cool nature and a bitter taste, and has the functions of clearing away heart fire, lowering blood pressure, stopping sweating, and nourishing the mind. Because the taste of lotus seeds is very bitter, lotus seeds are removed when making desserts.

Dessert recommendations:
Lotus seed lily red bean paste
Ingredients: lotus seeds, lily, red beans, tangerine peel
1. Soak the washed red beans, lotus seeds and lilies in water for 2 hours.
2. Boil water, put the soaked ingredients into the pot together with the soaking water. After the water boils, add the tangerine peel.
3. First simmer over medium-low heat for two hours, and finally simmer over high heat for half an hour.
4. When the red beans start to turn sandy, it means they are ready. Add an appropriate amount of sugar and serve.
5. This dessert can be served hot or iced.