Prunella vulgaris, a good remedy for reducing fire

Prunella vulgaris is a perennial herbaceous plant, and it is also commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to reduce fire. The part that can be used as medicine is its dried fruit. Prunella vulgaris is mainly produced in waterside wetlands in Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan and other places. Every summer solstice, Prunella vulgaris will turn yellow and wither, hence its name. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Prunella vulgaris is pungent, bitter, and cold in nature, and it mainly belongs to the liver and gallbladder meridians. It is also believed that when Prunella vulgaris is aged for a long time, it tastes particularly sweet and is best used as medicine.

Main functions:

1. Clear the liver and improve eyesight: Prunella vulgaris is cold and cool, and has a good effect on clearing liver fire and improving eyesight. Proper consumption of Prunella vulgaris can reduce the heat in the body and prevent liver heat problems. Generally, traditional Chinese medicine combines Prunella vulgaris with wolfberry and wild herbs. The compatibility of chrysanthemum and other medicinal materials is used to treat symptoms of headache, dizziness or eye discomfort caused by hyperactivity of liver yang or liver deficiency.

2. Clear away heat and dissipate stagnation: Cold Prunella Vulgaris can not only clear away heat and purge fire, but also reduce inflammation and dissipate stagnation. It is usually combined with drugs that have the effect of eliminating phlegm and dispersing stagnation, such as oysters or Fritillaria fritillaris.

3. Lower blood pressure: In traditional Chinese medicine, high blood pressure needs to be treated from the liver, and Prunella vulgaris has a unique liver-clearing effect that enables it to lower blood pressure; Western medicine believes that high blood pressure is caused by the excessive pressure of blood on the blood vessel wall. , the active ingredients in Prunella Vulgaris have the effect of dilating blood vessels. Therefore, Prunella vulgaris can help lower blood pressure to a certain extent and is compatible with medicinal herbs such as white chrysanthemum and skullcap.

4. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory: Prunella vulgaris is rich in ursolic acid, which is a triterpenoid compound with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Prunella vulgaris has a special effect in inhibiting bacteria such as Shigella dysenteriae and Escherichia coli.


1. Prunella vulgaris has a certain irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Long-term or large-scale consumption may cause diarrhea and abdominal pain.

2. If you experience red rash, itching or other discomfort after taking Prunella Vulgaris, please stop using it.

3. Prunella vulgaris is not suitable for patients with spleen deficiency, as it can aggravate symptoms of spleen deficiency such as diarrhea.

4. Prunella vulgaris should not be taken during the menstrual period, as it may affect the normal discharge of menstrual blood or increase menstrual flow, causing menstrual pain.